
The info in this blog is not to be considered in any way as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice/treatment. Each disease case is unique and though everything described here proved working well and safely in my practice, this can't 100% guarantee the same done by anyone else.
You use any of the info posted here at your own responsibility, though methods described here are chosen specially for their simplicity and safety in non-specialist hands.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

General harmonization

This scheme is based on so-called "Vertical meridians of Triorigin Cylindrical Spiral system"
which is is rather complex however this version is simple enough to be used by

Points are on median lines of 4 sides of every finger (thumbs allow most fundamental action).
Location is:
--- one divides each line in half, then again each half of the line in half
--- thus one gets 5 points shown on the pic
--- the lowest points marked brown are not used and acupuncture is done on 4 points marked green.

Thus points appear on equal distances to each other.
It's esential that 4 lines have different length
so there will be different distance between points for different lines (shown on the pic) but equal for points belonging to the same line.

View from both sides.

Treatment is done in order:
--- lines: 1-2-3-4 blue numbers

--- on every line - upwards 1-2-3-4 violet
numbers near points.
This sequence is for left thumb.

Best teratment is moxibustion: heating by moxa cigar
or incense stick, holding perpendicular to each point,
equal time of 15-20 sec, sometimes longer, for each.

This has works on deeper levels because of nature of system in use. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

General vocal cords treatment in Spiral system

This may be done in Spiral System, in 8 energies:

This scheme is for all Gomo-conditions, including those discussed earlier.
Points are treated by their numbers.

The scheme for Hetero-conditions

Such schemes are the safest and simplest to use, just to resize the image to one's palm and mark the points.
Treatment for non-specialists may be:
--- taping natural crystals of the same colour onto
--- easy moxibustion: heating by incense stick holding it perpendicular to the points, in order by numbers,
each point for 20-30 sec or until a pleasant warm sensation at each point.
More on this and list of Su-jok methods have been in previous posts.