There is point of view among opera experts,that especially good voice needs
large-dimensions body.
large-dimensions body.
In terms of Su-jok, overweight is caused by energies of Burn and Dampness.
A singer may look similar at both states but the energy and functional state of body
Energy of Burn is responsible for the first stages of getting overweight with fat deposits
A singer may look similar at both states but the energy and functional state of body
are really different.
Energy of Burn is responsible for the first stages of getting overweight with fat deposits
growing and as Burn is also tension the body may look "firm" as well-inflated ball and
attractive in it's own style.
Later on at stage of Dampness body loses that tension and may become flabby and sluggish,
and the excess weight a burden.
At stage of Burn, which naturally comes at period of 24-36 years old, the body,
it's energies and eveything reach blossoming and maturity.
In fact, the body may expand or expand further in dimentions because of excess of energy
in general and vocal abilities are also reaching it's peak with powerful, expanding, colourful
The trick is, body usually stays the same "abundant" if this was before, when one goes into
period of Dampness which naturally comes at 36-48 years. Dampness is also big dimentions
but it's core features are opposite to Burn and usually have a good deal of heaviness, inertia, losing agility and very fine/bright colours in voice, actually, the beginning of descend part of life curve.
but it's core features are opposite to Burn and usually have a good deal of heaviness, inertia, losing agility and very fine/bright colours in voice, actually, the beginning of descend part of life curve.
This may explain why singer of big dinemtions had everything brilliant at some time and then
found weight becomes a burden, and probably bad influence to health in general, heart problems
Though period of Dampness usually falls into the most fruitful years in terms of career and social
position, this is time to take measures to slow down changes coming with age, and this is to be constant
effort, as later in period of Dryness, 48-60 years, there will come general loss of vital energy
and any positive changes will be much more difficult to achive.