
The info in this blog is not to be considered in any way as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice/treatment. Each disease case is unique and though everything described here proved working well and safely in my practice, this can't 100% guarantee the same done by anyone else.
You use any of the info posted here at your own responsibility, though methods described here are chosen specially for their simplicity and safety in non-specialist hands.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Info from ms.Liona Boyd

There came an e-mail from Liona Boyd.
It's a pleasure to tell:
1. Her career as solo guitarist is not over at all.
She was able to reinvent her guitar technique, which has been a solution for other musicians
to adapt to this condition, to use other group of muscles which avoids the "worn-out" nerv. structures involvement.

2. She is back on stage performance and has given 15 concetrs last year and released 2 CD's.
She is planning to publish the info about the upcoming concerts.

3. Additionally, it might be reasonable to mention, task-specific focal distonia is not regarded a disease in  Western medicine, it is problem of certain brain structures related to motor function subjected to
"stress" from repeated movements specific to for example guitar players.
However, in terms of acupuncture, this causes special damage on energy level, not necessarily
having physical sign as pain etc, so in general not different from any condition regarded
a disease.

Would like to wish her long and succesful career.