
The info in this blog is not to be considered in any way as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice/treatment. Each disease case is unique and though everything described here proved working well and safely in my practice, this can't 100% guarantee the same done by anyone else.
You use any of the info posted here at your own responsibility, though methods described here are chosen specially for their simplicity and safety in non-specialist hands.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Asthma, autoimmune concept

It might be interesting in connection to singers problems though asthma for singer
is seemingly ban for a professional career.
Below is most recent approach which is promising for the results got in a study in progress.
General coverage for asthma may come later.

This is promising for the results got in a study in progress.
Both paths via B-lymphocytes and the "blood stem cells" megakariocytes work.
First is actually a "translation" into Su-jok of a mechanism described for astma, where:
--- T-lymphocytes excret specific cytokines which activate eosynophills and production of IgE
by B-lymphocytes
--- IgE activate mast cells which release mediators like histamin, cycteine leikotriens, PGH D2
finally causing bronchospasm.

That the same works OK through megakariocytes path has Su-jok explanation as Darkness energy
indicates severe and potential life-threatening energy behind the disease.
Or this may be nature of Spiral systems in which work is being done, because of their ability to correct 
and adapt, even offering "better solutions" than the scheme actually being implemented (additional meridians swiched on without any special action).