Several schemes to correct energy imbalance in body and restore energy where it is weak,
related or not related directly to vocal system. Voice reflects virtually all problems with energy
so any problem affects it in some way.
Points location was determined by diagnostics by voice.
1. Region of heart, most probably emotional traumas:
Index finger right hand; for this scheme all needles are perpendicular to points shown by brown lines.
Order of work highlighted by orange circles:
--- 3 points on heart zone - A
--- point at the same level on Central meridian - B
--- point where meridian crosses joint line - C
--- point on top of finger - D
--- group of points on back - E
--- group of points on cranium - F
The scheme is easy enough and actually was composed for self-treatment; one may use any plant thorns like those of a rose, or even pine or spruce needles and no need to prick the skin at all:
--- wash them of dust
--- making small holes in a pieces of medicine tape
--- inserting needles at angles shown on the pic: all but one needle perpendicular, into the holes and taping this onto points so that tips of needles touch skin at the points.
Angle for the point on the top of finger is about 20-30* to horizontal.
Keeping needles for 20-30 min, then one may tape natural crystals:
--- for this scheme green crystals for all points
and keep then up to 24 hours, then putting them in salted water 1 teaspoon for a glass for 24 hours.
One may have one bigger crystal for the whole group of points A on the heart zone, in this case
the crystal can actually be anywhere within the heart zone.
After taping crystals one may do moxibustion: heating crystals right through the medicine tape
as described in:
in the same order as working with needles, the whole group of points on heart A is heated altogether.
Some people have better effect if instead tape plant seeds onto points:
small seeds like carrot seeds or blackseed are preferable, notice, seeds have energy to work only up to
24 hours then to be changed to fresh ones.
One may have:
--- plant seeds for points on heart A and groups of points D and E
--- green crystals for other 2 points B and C
one can do moxibustion for both crystals and seeds the same way as described above.
2. Zones to massage on finger:
The zones relate to both voice (lungs, their health and power) and health
in general.
Massage for the zone on kidney can help erase deep worries and feeling of uncertainty for the future.
Both zones may be heated by moxa
or incense sticks as was described,
before massage.
3. The strictly localized depression among a clear skin all over the forehead:
it indicates something special, most probably past emotional trauma.
Mapping it in 6 Qi energies gives energy sequence and acupuncture recipe:
Dryness(skin)--->Burn (face)--->Heat (forehead)--->
Dampness (horizontal mapping)--->Cold (vertical maping)
clicking on image makes it full-size.
The recipe:
--- sedation of Gomo or Yin - energy of Dryness (wrinkles)
--- Dryness energy on emotional level is depression, grief, sadness
Easy self-treatment is taping natural crystals of the same colours and heating by moxa described in:
Also, treatment by needles, all perpendicular, taped on as described in the same post,
for 20-30 min.
Then one may have crystals on the points as described earlier.