
The info in this blog is not to be considered in any way as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice/treatment. Each disease case is unique and though everything described here proved working well and safely in my practice, this can't 100% guarantee the same done by anyone else.
You use any of the info posted here at your own responsibility, though methods described here are chosen specially for their simplicity and safety in non-specialist hands.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Vocal region health

By mapping via Space energies the components of vocal system can be treated by
Below are schemes for the area of vocal cords in the larynx, which may be used as a prophylactic care
and to heal voice problems.
There are 2 types of schemes, for
--- muscles+tendons/ligaments system (belong to Wind energy)
--- system of connective tussue/cartillage (belong to Dryness energy)
this doesn't require acting on a particular muscle or ligament as every
affected muscle in this area will respond to the scheme for muscles/ligaments.

The scheme for muscles/ligaments in Spiral System

This scheme is aimed at Gomo-conditions, i.e
swelling with mucus, dryness, shortage and loss of function of various degree, traumas and overstrain (to promote curculation in the area)

This scheme is for Hetero-symptomes, like any type of inflammation, swelling with sense of burning, traumas (to close the wound), to get rest in case of overstrain etc.

The same for connective tissue/cartillage in the area:

For Gomo-conditions

For Hetero-conditions

Real case may include a variety of Gomo and Hetero-symptomes, like inflammation/swelling, feeling of dryness and shortage of function, so the schemes to cover all aspects may appear rather complex.

The above schemes in Triorigin energies are the safest and simplest and thus can be used by non-specialists.
The schemes can be chosen to act on the leading problem at the moment and alternated to treat other symptomes as they become more pronounced in the process.