
The info in this blog is not to be considered in any way as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice/treatment. Each disease case is unique and though everything described here proved working well and safely in my practice, this can't 100% guarantee the same done by anyone else.
You use any of the info posted here at your own responsibility, though methods described here are chosen specially for their simplicity and safety in non-specialist hands.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

False vocal cords

One of their function is to wet the true vocal cords which doesn't have their own glands which is
very important for normal function of vocal cords (folds).
There can be mapping for them on the palm - ventricular folds:

In Triorigin, according to the anatomy on this particular

In 8 Qi.
One can map the points from the laryngoscopic
image of his larynx.

If there is lack of their wetting function, the acupuncture recipe is:
--- sedate Wind (maybe also Heat or Burn)
--- tone up Dampness


Laringitis is caused by harmful energies of:
 General symptomes:
--- fever - Heat
--- runny nose - Dampness
--- sore, scratchy throat - Dryness 
--- achiness, and fatigue  - Cold
 Changes for vocal cords:
--- Heat - inflammation
--- Burn or Dampness  - swelling
--- Dryness - voice sounds strained, hoarse, and raspy
--- Cold - reddening in 8 Qi, achiness, also the energy of the virus
Also, that vocal cords may not fully close at phonation indicates excess of Gomo energies;
Dampness, Dryness and Cold

General treatment may be done on 5-th boyl-chakra.
For non-specialists there can be treatment in Nails system or in local system. 
There's a variety of symptomes/energies involved, so it's good to work in Triorigin:
This scheme is to sedate Gomo energies:
--- Dampness
--- Dryness
--- Cold

Gomo-symptomes generally prevail so this can be the basic scheme, in addition it fights
the origin of the disease the virus energy, Cold.


If prevailing symptomes are fever, inflammation, sense of burning, i.e energies of Heat and Burn - Hetero, there will be 2 blue points instead of red:

Sedate Hetero, tone up Ho:

So one can alternate schemes to treat the leading group of symptomes at the

The same can be done on vocal cords schemes on palms:

Points are the same for all zones as shown for 
Dampness sone.

So, to sedate Cold and tone up Burn one can
--- sedate Gomo tone up Hetero on Burn zones,
--- sedate Gomo on Cold and tone up Hetero on
Burn  zone

There's no problem for specialists to determine the zones and points for each case.

One may use the scheme like:

Non-specialists may work on the whole zones:
1 --- moxibition for zones of Cold, Heat, Burn, Dryness, keeping cigar/insence stick just perpendicular to the skin and listening at what zone there will be max responce like ease of achness, 
running nose etc, general energy description at the beginning of the post. 
2 --- apply Burn remedies or aroma oils, like the anticancer remedy, first of all on Gomo zones i.e.
Dampness, Dryness, Cold.
If inflammation/fever is severe better to avoid putting remedy on Heat and Burn zones, instead one
may do this onto Wind zone.
3 --- Treatment close to professional by moxibition:
To sedate, one needs to keep the moxa cigar/incense stick  
--- at angle of 30-40* to the palm and 
--- cigar oriented towards the Cold or Gomo point, the same for every zone which needs sedation.
To tone up a zone
--- the same 30-40* to the skin
--- one orients the cigar/incense stick towards the Burn or Hetero point on a particular 
For example, for the first pic:
--- to sedate Cold the cigar oriented directed towards the wrist on Cold zone
--- to tone up Burn it's directed towards fingers
All zones on this image are oriented the same way.
For the second pic zones are oriented differently at left and right:
--- to sedate Heat, Wind or Burn orientation is towards the wrist, to tone up them - to the fingers
--- to sedate Cold orientation is towards the fingers
 So one works by moxa going back and forth along the zone keeping it at right angle until pleasant
warm sensation.

Use of general points mapping on vocal cords zones:

According to the recipes given earlier.
To sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero:
--- one marks both red and blue points in red, green points in green
--- tapes natural crystals of the same colours onto
--- does moxibition

Moxibition may be easy even on professional level:
1--- to tone up Hetero, sedate Gomo one keeps the moxa at 
30-40* to the skin
--- blue - Gomo point - cigar towards the wrist
--- red - Hetero point - cigar towards the fingers

To sedate Hetero, tone up Gomo - vice versa.

For both green points - cigar perpendicular to the palm.

Treatment in a "local" system:

Sedate Gomo, tone up Hetero, Neitro, Neito control

Hetero sedate, Gomo tone up, Neitro, Neito control

Treatment in Triorigin the same as described earlier

Capral tunnel syndrome

Compression of the median nerve may be interpreted as harmful energy of Dryness and Cold.
Pain also relate to Dryness and Cold energies.
The scheme in energies:

Burn (nerv. system)--->Burn or Wind(hand)---> Cold: Dryness, Cold sedate, Heat, Burn tone up
or Gomo sedate, Hetero tone up

The region for the location of disease at the centre of the palm is mapped differently than described earlier 
and falls into Cold energy, mapping the same as for fingers in

This is confirmed by:
1. the anatomy of the region gives tendency to compress the median nerve which is quoted in med sources,
and is the main feature of Cold energy
2. that the symptomes grow when one bends wrists - this position is "Cold" if take the wrist full movement 
and divide it into phases
3. developing capral tunnel syndrome usually begins to bother one at night which is time of Cold in a
24 hours energy curculation.

Quoted from med sources are the conditions which raise chances to get capral tunnel syndrome:
---rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases - disease of Cold - Gomo condition 
--- hypothyroidism, fluid is retained in tissues - Gomo condition 
--- Tumors (usually benign), such as a ganglion or a lipoma - Dampness energy (at the beginning) - Gomo condition
--- Obesity also increases the risk of CTS: individuals who are classified as obese (BMI > 29) are 2.5 times more likely than slender individuals (BMI < 20) to be diagnosed with CTS.
Obesity is Dampness - Gomo condition.

All the conditions have Gomo energy: Cold, Dampness or Dryness as basic which explains why they
can induce a capral tunnel symdrome, Cold disease - Gomo condition.

The scheme in Nails system:

To focus on a particular hand, there should be 1 more point in the scheme:

Burn (nerv. system)--->Burn or Wind---> Wind---> Cold: 
--- left hand - for men,
--- right hand - for women
Burn (nerv. system)--->Burn or Wind---> Cold---> Cold:  
--- left hand - for women,
--- right hand - for men