Su-jok can offer ways to treat and strengthen all parts involved in voice generation.
Below is the easiest and safest treatment via Organs Correspondence System
on fingers:
This system has clear mapping for
---lungs and bronchs
--- air path,
--- abdomen region,
--- pelvis region
what makes the air flow and determines
it's pressure, duration etc.
1.Diaphragm will be described in more details because of it's importance:
These schemes have diaphragm, green line, depending on the system
--- in Standard Insect system, at right, it is on 2-nd joint
--- in "finger root" system it is on the 1-st joint, the neck gets the whole
2-nd phanlange and allows mapping also of vocal cords.
Both have diaphragm on joint line which which allows treatment by acu points (like described in prevoius posts).
This mapping is on every finger (for both schemes) but for voice treatment everyone may use the finger of Dryness, the respiratory system -
index finger right hand.
Diaphragm for some reasons reflect the general state of body
so will display main energy problems and being one of major organs for singing, the particular problems in singing the singer has.
Every energy /imbalance disruption or shortage in a region creates sensitive or even painful
points, so the idea is:
1. to find them by going around and pressing the joint line by smth like round tip of a pencil.
Then one can:
--- massage the points
--- tape seeds/crystals like described in earlier posts
--- heat the points by a moxa cigar or simply by incense stick until a pleasant
warmth at the point ( plus pain usually subsides)
2.If the energy picture has been determined, like excess of Dampness+Dryness, lack of Burn
and so on, one may do treatment like described earlier for Joints System and meridians.
For example, treatment for "heaviness" of voice, not enough agility in virtuose passages
which is caused by excess of Dampness energy:
Scheme in 8 Qi, points on joint line, sedation of Dampness (heaviness), tone up Wind (agility) and Heat ("development").
This will also make one lose weight, if overweighted, because this is caused by general excess of Dampness energy in the body.
2.Finding sensitive points can be done for other zones of interest like pelvis, lungs, throat/larynx, going around with pencil and finding such points, treatment is the same.
Finally, Su-jok recommends to find such sensitive points for
---spinal column,
--- brain zone, on the finger above eyebrows on the image
as every developed disfunction also creates sensitive points there.
3. Head resonators work on will be described later.
Chest resonators are believed by many specialists to be bronchs.
Bronchs can be treated, besides the above massage, by acupuncture, to expand.
General scheme in energies:
Dryness---> Dryness: Hetero tone up
One has to also strengthen the bronchs tissue to keep their walls in good condition.
Each person has a pair of fingers best for treatment, and finger on left hand represents "structural" energies for lungs, bronchs etc, and finger on right hand - the "functional" energies. Thus one can direct action depending on what changes are needed.
Effective treatment of nose/throat/bronchs/lungs by "anticancer" remedy:
--- blackseed oil - 125 ml
--- blackseed, finely grinded - 135 g
Applied on the zone on the finger, for 0.5 to several hours, depending on the situation
and feelings.
Having main energy of Heat/Burn (expansion), besides antibacterial effect it also cleans and expands
bronchs, bronchioles and lungs matrix in general.
Besides, Burn energy is also disintegration, which eliminates polypus, condillomas, tumours
up to cancer.
It usually cleans nose air paths in munutes (tested many times).
Of course, it may also be used for ear infections.
4. Inner organs.
Every organ according to Chinese medicine produces it's sort of energy and the whole set of them
is that very "vital" energy. This is very valuable for practical use as allows to raise and balance body energy
in general and at the same time act on a particular energy responsible for a region or function.
This is essential for health in general and therefore for singers as having organs and systems healthy
and energetic they can perform at their best.
Organs and their energies
--- Liver+gall bladder - Wind energy
--- Heart/Small intestine - Heat energy
--- Spleen/pancreas/stomach - Dampness energy
--- Lungs/colon - Dryness energy
--- Kidneys/bladder - Cold energy.
Massage of organs in order: Kidneys--->Liver---> Heart--->Spleen+pancreas--->Lungs
("The Creative Cycle") will strengthen the whole body energy system and balance energies
at the same time.
When the lacking energy is determined, simple massage can:
1. strengthen the organ itself
2. raise this very energy production and it's amount in body which automatically
make the desired changes i.e. if there's Lungs energy insufficient, particular work on
Lungs/colon zones on the scheme.
5.There can be general treatment on boyl-chakras:
--- generally, for muscles involved in voice generation, and for chest region in particular,
the 4-th Wind chakra,
--- or depending on the region, 3-d for abdomen and 2-nd for pelvis
--- alternatively, to make paths from 4-th chalkra to 3-d and 2-th as a sublevel
but this is field for specialists.